3. BIOS Setup Utility
M815-MX Series User’s Manual
POWER ON Function
This options enables power on from Windows 98 keyboard, right or left mouse
button, password, hotkey, or power button.
If you use the keyboard password option to power on your system, the
power button will be disabled.
The available options for POWER ON Function are :[BUTTON ONLY] [Keyboard
98] [Password] [Hot KEY] [Mouse Left] [Mouse Right] [Any KEY].
Onboard FDC Controller
Select Enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDC) installed on the
motherboard and you wish to use it. If you install an add-in FDC or the system has no
floppy drive, select Disable in this field. The available options for Onboard FDC
Controller are :[Enabled] [Disabled].
Onboard Serial Port 1/Port 2
Select a logical COM port address and corresponding interrupt for the first and
second serial ports. The second serial port offers infrared options in the next field.
The available options for Onboard Serial Port 1/Port 2 are :[3F8/IRQ4] [2F8/IRQ3]
[3E8/IRQ4] [2E8/IRQ3] [Auto] [Disabled].
UART Mode Select
This option specifies the operating mode for serial port 2. This option will not appear if
the Onboard Serial Port 2 option is set to disabled, or is set to Auto and your system does
not have an onboard serial port 2.
[Normal] : Set serial port 2 to operate in normal mode.
[IrDA] : Select this setting if you installed an infrared module via IrDA connector.
This IrDA setting allows infrared serial communication at a maximum baud rate
of 115K baud.
[ASKIR] : Select this setting if you installed an infrared module via IrDA connector.
The ASKIR setting allows infrared serial communication at a maximum baud
rate of 56K baud.
The available options for UART Mode Select are : [Normal] [IrDA] [ASKIR].