Chapter 7 : Troubleshooting
Q10. Forgot Administrator’s account and password?
You can reset Administrator’s account and password via text mode. Refer to
4.4 Configuring through COM Port
to establish a COM port connection with
the EnviroStation. When the login information is prompted, key in
within 30 seconds and press
. The Administrator account and password
are now reset to default (admin/ password).
Q11. How to enable IPv6 in Windows XP?
If you are operating in Windows XP, please enable IPv6 first (click
, and enter
ipv6 install
). The EnviroStation supports IPv6, therefore, no
additional configuration is required. However, please note that IPv6 is
automatically disabled if an identical LLA (Local-link Address) already exists in
the LAN. Also, when the IPv4 and IPv6 settings coexist, IPv4 is used as the
primary IP address for the EnviroStation.
To learn more information regarding IPv6 compatibility, please visit IETF
(, or
IPv6 Ready Logo Program
Q12. How to generate a private SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate file (in
PEM format) for HTTP connection?
To ensure connection security between the EnviroStation and your browser,
you can create your own SSL certificate file in Linux. Please download and
in-stall OpenSSL from, launch shell and enter the
following command to create your own certificate file:
openssl req –x509 –nodes –days 3650 –newkey rsa:1024 –keyout
cert.pem –out cert.pem
1) Answer the prompted questions. Proceed as directed by the messages.
Once it is completed, a file named
is created in the current
working directory.
2) Upload
on the InsightPower SNMP IPv6 for EnviroStation Web.
Please refer to
5.3.1 Administration
Q13. How to generate DSA and RSA keys for SSH?
For Linux
1) Please download and install OpenSSH from