1. A LW AY S use blade guard and splitter with anti-
kickback for every operation for which it can be used,
including thru-sawing
Thru-sawing operations
are those when the blade cuts completely through the
workpiece as in ripping or cross-cutting.
A LW AY S hold the work firmly against the miter gage
or fence.
A LW AY S use a push stick for ripping narrow stock.
Refer to ripping applications in instruction manual where
the push stick is covered in detail. See push stick pattern
included in this instruction manual.
N E V E R perform any operation free-hand which
means using your hands to support or guide the work-
piece. Always use either the fence or miter gage to posi-
tion and guide the work.
N E V E R s
tand or have any part of your body in line
with the path of the saw blade. K E E P your hands out of
the line of the saw blade.
N E V E R reach behind or over the cutting tool with
either hand for any reason.
M O V E the rip fence out of the way when cross-
N E V E R use the fence as a cut-off gage when cross-
DIRECTION O F F E E D. Feed work into a blade or
cutter against the direction or rotation of the blade or
cutter only.
10. W H E N cutting moulding, N E V E R run the stock be-
tween the fence and the moulding cutterhead.
11. N E V E R attempt to free a stalled saw blade without
first turning the saw O F F.
off switch immediately to
prevent motor damage.
12. T H E U S E of attachments and accessories not
recommended by Delta may result in risk of injuries.
13. PROVIDE adequate support to the rear and sides of
the saw table for wide or long workpieces.
14. AVOID kickbacks (work thrown back toward you) by:
A. Keeping blade sharp.
B. Keeping rip fence parallel to the saw blade.
C. Keeping splitter and anti-kickback fingers and
guard in place and operating.
D. Not releasing the work before it is pushed all the
way past the saw blade.
E. Not ripping work that is twisted or warped or does
not have a straight edge to guide along the fence.
15. AVOID awkward operations and hand positions where
a sudden slip could cause your hand to move into the
cutting tool.
16. N E V E R use solvents to clean plastic parts. Solvents
could possibly dissolve or otherwise damage the material.
Only a soft, damp cloth should be used to clean plastic
17. P E R M A N E N T LY mount the saw to a supporting sur-
face before performing any cutting operations.
18. N E V E R cut metals or material which may make
hazardous dust.
19. A LW AY S. use in a well-ventilated area. Remove saw-
dust frequently. Clean out sawdust from the interior of the
saw to prevent a potential fire hazard.
20. D O N O T expose your saw to rain or use in a damp
21. ADDITIONAL I N F O R M ATION regarding the safe
and proper operation of this product is available from the
National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca,
IL 60143-3201, in the Accident Prevention Manual for
Industrial Operations and also in the Safety Data Sheets
provided by the NSC. Please also refer to the American
National Standards Institute ANSI 01.1 Safety Require-
ments for Woodworking Machinery and the U.S. Depart-
ment of Labor OSHA 1910.213 Regulations.
22. S AV E T H E S E INSTRUCTIONS. Refer to them fre-
quently and use them to instruct others.