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Instrument reply
r…r = rainfall rate in the unit of measurement set in
the instrument (mm/h or in/h)
Reads the current rainfall
a+v…v+t…t <CR><LF>
with: v…v = power supply voltage in V
t…t = internal temperature in the unit of
measurement set in the instrument (°C
or °F)
Reads the power supply
voltage and the internal
temperature of the rain
In addition to the above-mentioned commands, the rain gauge also implements the
corresponding commands with CRC, that require to add a 3-character CRC code at the
end of the reply before <CR><LF>. The format of these commands is obtained from
the previous by adding the letter C: aMC!, aMC1!, aMC2!, aMC3!, aMC4, aMC5!, aCC!,
aCC1!, aCC2!, aCC3!, aCC4!, aCC5!, aRC0!, aRC1!, aRC2!, aRC3!, aRC4!, aRC5!
SDI-12 extended commands
In addition to the standard SDI-12 commands, the rain gauge has extended com-
mands that allow you to configure the instrument also via the SDI-12 line, as an al-
ternative to the configuration via the serial port COM PC. The extended commands are
those already described in the paragraph “Serial commands”, with the difference that
they must be preceded by the address of the instrument they are sent to, and must
end with the character ! (exclamation mark).
For example, to set °F as temperature unit of measurement in the instrument with
address 0, send:
Sends the password (assuming password=mypass)
Sets °F
The reply to an extended command is always preceded by the address of the instru-
ment that replies.