environmental conditions. Re-mediation of environmental conditions is the responsibility of the
Table 24. Particulate contamination specifications
Particulate contamination
Air filtration
Data center air filtration as defined by ISO Class 8 per ISO
14644-1 with a 95% upper confidence limit.
NOTE: This condition applies to data center
environments only. Air filtration requirements do not
apply to IT equipment designed to be used outside a
data center, in environments such as an office or
factory floor.
NOTE: Air entering the data center must have
MERV11 or MERV13 filtration.
Conductive dust
Air must be free of conductive dust, zinc whiskers, or
other conductive particles.
NOTE: This condition applies to data center and
non-data center environments.
Corrosive dust
• Air must be free of corrosive dust.
• Residual dust present in the air must have a
deliquescent point less than 60% relative humidity.
NOTE: This condition applies to data center and
non-data center environments.
Table 25. Gaseous contamination specifications
Gaseous contamination
Copper coupon corrosion rate
<300 Å/month per Class G1 as defined by ANSI/
Silver coupon corrosion rate
<200 Å/month as defined by AHSRAE TC9.9.
NOTE: Maximum corrosive contaminant levels measured at ≤50% relative humidity.
Expanded operating temperature
Table 26. Expanded operating temperature specifications
Expanded operating temperature
Continuous operation
5°C to 40°C at 5% to 85% RH with 29°C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature
(10°C to 35°C), the system can operate continuously
in temperatures as low as 5°C and as high as 40°C.