Getting Help: Dell Latitude CPi A-Series System User's Guide
Sweden* (Upplands Vasby)
Technical Support 08 590 05 199
Customer Care 08 590 05 169
Fax Technical Support 08 590 05 594
Sales 08 590 05 185
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/sw
E-mail: [email protected]
Switzerland* (Geneva)
Technical Support 0844 811 411
Customer Care 0848 802 802
Fax 022 799 01 90
Switchboard 022 799 01 01
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/ch
E-mail: [email protected]
NOTE: Customers in Taiwan call Malaysia for
customer assistance.
Technical Support toll free: 0080 651 226/0800 33 557
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) 810 4949
Transaction Sales toll free: 0080 651 228/0800 33 556
Corporate Sales toll free: 0080 651 227/0800 33 555
NOTE: Customers in Thailand call Malaysia
for customer assistance.
Technical Support toll free: 0880 060 07
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) 810 4949
Sales toll free: 0880 060 06
U.K.* (Bracknell)
Technical Support Department 0870-908-0800
Corporate Customer Care 01344 720206
Home/Small Business Customer Care 0870-906-0010
TechConnect BBS 0870-908-0610
Sales 01344 720000
AutoFax 0870-908-0510
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/uk
E-mail: [email protected]
U.S.A. (Austin, Texas)
Automated Order-Status System toll free: 1-800-433-9014
AutoTech (Automated technical support) toll free: 1-800-247-9362
Dell Home and Small Business Group:
Customer Technical Support
(Return Material Authorization Numbers) toll free: 1-800-624-9896
Customer Service
(Credit Return Authorization Numbers) toll free: 1-800-624-9897
National Accounts
(systems purchased by established Dell national accounts [have your account
number handy], medical institutions, or value-added resellers [VARs]):
Customer Service and Technical Support
(Return Material Authorization Numbers) toll free: 1-800-822-8965
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