Deploying FCoE (FIP Snooping) on Dell Force 10 MXL
Step by step explanation of Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch CLI example with vPC configuration (without
FCoE configuration)
feature vpc –
enables vpc feature for Nexus switches.
feature lacp –
enables lacp feature for LAG/PortChannel use.
vpc domain 1 –
configures vpc domain, 1 in this example but can be
any number that coexists with
the network infrastructure and matches the vpc peer switch.
role priority 1000 -
this is an optional step but it will establish primary and secondary
switch roles in a known configured manner. The switch with the lower priority will be set
as the primary switch.
peer-keepalive destination -
this setting establishes the IP address of the
vpc peer switch that this switch is connected via peer link.
interface po4096 –
enters into PortChannel 4096 configuration.
vpc peer-link –
sets this PortChannel to be the vpc peer-link between the 2 Nexus.
switchport mode trunk –
established switchport mode trunk for all VLANs.
interface po1 –
moves into the PortChannel 1 configuration
switchport mode trunk -
established switchport mode trunk for all VLANs.
vpc 1 -
sets this PortChannel to be a member of vpc 1.
interface po2 -
moves into the PortChannel 2 configuration
switchport mode trunk -
established switchport mode trunk for all VLANs.
vpc 2 - -
sets this PortChannel to be a member of vpc 2.
interface ethernet 1/1-2 –
enters into port range 1 to 2 for configuration
channel-group 1 –
configures this set of ports to be part of PO1.
interface ethernet 1/17-18 -
enters into port range 17 to 18 for configuration
channel-group 2 –
configures this set of ports to be part of PO2.
interface ethernet 1/29-32 –
enters into the interface Ethernet range of ports 29-32.
channel-group 4096 mode active –
configures this set of ports to be part of channel group
/ PortChannel 4096.