“Defacto” standard communication protocols
The AWC 500 has fully EtherCAT-based I/O architecture:
► On internally backplane
► Between distribued racks
► As fieldbus to external sensors and systems
The AWC 500 supports control loop cycles down to 1 ms.
Supported fieldbuses
► Ethernet (TCP/IP, Modbus)
► EoE (Ethernet over EtherCAT)
► CAN (layer II), CANopen
► Serial RS-422/485
► Profibus DP slave
► Profinet (on request)
► NTP (Network Time Protocol) client for automatic clock
Integrated grid measurement
The accuracy of the control algorithms relies on a class
0.5 power measurement which defines a new standard in
the wind turbine controller industry. Up until now, the norm
has been class 0.5 voltage and current measurements
(multiplying to a lower accuracy of the power measurement).
Support for fast and precise LVRT reaction:
► Direct 690 V voltage, 1/5 A current and power
measurement (Class 0.5)
► No delay reading external transducer
► Calculates Energy (E), Power (P), Reactive Power (Q),
Phase angles etc.
► All values are directly available on GPM module for use
in the software
Simple digital frequency counter interface for HTL
sensor and encoders
► Values directly available on IOM module (DIF input)
► Only configuration and conversion
► No module communication required
AWC 500
A variety of configurations…