History Menu HIST
Displays the alarm history for the last hour
Displays the alarm history for the last 8 hours
HI12 Displays the alarm history for the last 12 hours
HI24 Displays the alarm history for the last 24 hours
HI2D Displays the alarm history for the last 2 days
HI7D Displays the alarm history for the last week
HIAL Displays the alarm history for the entire memory (cca 34 days)
HILA Displays the alarm history since the last reset of the entry _RST
_RST Resets the time from which „HILA“ starts counting
Returns to a higher menu level
This menu displays the highest measured concentrations in a selected time interval for each channel. There is a total of 8
intervals: - the last 1h (HI1H), 8h (HI8H), 12h (HI12H), 24h (HI24), 2 days (HI2D), 7 days, the entire memory (cca 34 days) and
the interval since the last reset of „_RST“. Selecting an entry will perform a custom search in the memory for the selected
channel. If during the whole interval the concentration hasn't changed and remained on the minimal value, „9999“ will be
displayed instead of the date and time. Switch between the channel by using the arrows and use ENTER to return back to
selecting a time interval.
The entry _RST serves for setting the time interval for the user alarm. If since the last change of the entry _RST an alarm
occurred at one of the transmitters, the basic status of the controller displays the segment „H“. At the entry, the date and time
since evaluation of „HILA“ is displayed. Pressing ENTER on this entry sets the interval to the current date and time a the
segment H disappears from the basic status. Press ENTER again to return the the history menu.
Note.: In case of equipping a larger quantity of transmitters, the loading of the history may take a few seconds.
Information menu INFO
NCAL Displays the date of the next transmitter calibration
Displays the date of the calibration
TEMP Displays the temperature of the DEGA Tc II sensor
ADDR Displays the controller address on the RS485 HOST bus
Returns to a higher menu level
For entries „LCAL“ and „NCAL“ use the arrows to switch between individual transmitters. Moving to „NCAL“displays the date
and time of the next calibration for the selected sensor, which is connected via RS485. In addition, the main display shows the
amount of hours remaining before the next calibration. In the same way, the entry LCAL shows the date and time of the last
calibration for the selected channel. The main display again shows the amount of hours passed since the last calibration. This
is a simple amount of hours, not the amount of hours, in which the sensor has been in operation.
The entry TEMP displays the current temperature from the temperature sensor, if it'configured and connected to the
The entry ADDR displays the controller address on the RS485HOST bus.
Configuration menu CONF
To enter the menu, type in the password 0004. Use the arrows to change the value and use ENTER to move from right to left.
Pressing enter in the order of units enters the menu. Typing in a wrong password will return us to the measurement mode.
TMP1 Setting the critical temperature level 1
TMP2 Setting the critical temperature level 2
ALM1 Setting the 1. level of gas leek alarm
ALM2 Setting the 2. level of gas leek alarm
ALM3 Setting the 3. level of gas leek alarm
ALM4 Setting the 4. level of gas leek alarm
Calibration of the digital transmitters
Returns to a higher menu level