MER-MAN-14V01 (1002)
Copyright © 2014 Defi ne Instruments
6.4 - Current input
USB prog zero
0–±99% of span
Field prog span
1μA–24mA DC
Input resistance
Max over-range
50mA DC continuous
Linearity and repeatability
<±0.02% FSO typical
Temperature drift
Response time
0/4–20mA DC
0/4–20mA DC is the most commonly used
analogue signal in industry, and is univer-
sally accepted. As a current loop, it is unaf-
fected by voltage drops in cables, and can
be transmitted over long distances with-
out signal degradation.
4–20mA DC, loop powered
The meter can provide power to a loop
powered transmitter, and at the same
time measure the signal. This confi gura-
tion is ideal for when there is a long dis-
tance between the sensor and the meter.
0/4–20mA DC, 3 or 4 wire transmitter
The meter can provide up to 25mA to
power an external 3 or 4 wire transmitter,
and at the same time measure the signal.