Printed 7/2/2016
MV Lioness Owners Notes v2015.2
Page 14 of 36
Detailed operating manuals for most of the equipment are located in the
cabinet at the top of the stairs to the pilothouse. There are 3 ‘accessories’
manuals. This information is in a loose alphabetical order, either by type of
equipment, e.g. water heater, or by brand name, e.g. Icom.
Chain Markings
The anchor rode consists of 400’ of chain with about 20’ of nylon line at the
“bitter end”. The nylon line is used in case of emergency to release the
anchor by cutting the line. Lioness’ main anchor is a 110 lb ‘bruce’ style
The chain is marked with paint to aid in determining proper scope.
White is painted on the chain for the last 4’.
Red is marked each 50’
These markings are listed inside the electric panel
Colored cable ties mark the chain.
White at 50’ / 2 white at 100’
Yellow at 150’ / 2 yellow at 200’
Red at 250’ / 2 red at 300’
Orange at 350’ / 2 orange at 400’
ALWAYS use the diesel engines to position the vessel so the windlass is
lifting the chain vertically and not pulling the boat. The windlass on Lioness
is a Maxwell 2200. The anchor can be raised or lowered with the switches
on deck or the toggle switch on the lower helm.
Before using the windlass, make sure the windlass switch on the panel is ‘on’
AND the windlass circuit breaker is also on. The circuit breaker is located
inside the cabinet to the right of the electrical panel.
Retrieval of the anchor is by 12 volt electric motor. This motor can overheat
when overloaded. If it overheats, the circuit breaker in the pilothouse
cabinet locker will pop, and it will need ½ hour to cool off.
In an emergency you can let the anchor free fall from the windlass, use the
handle (looks like a sailboat winch handle) located in the forward locker near
the Portuguese bridge. Insert the handle in the top of the capstan, and
rotate it to release the brake or apply the brake. This allows the anchor and
chain to free fall. You may also need the anchor windlass handle to adjust