Blocking code
Maximum increase of the flow temperature has been exceeded
Maximum difference between the flow and return temperature exceeded
Blocking input is active
Blocking input active or frost protection active
Communication error with the boiler PCB
Communication error with the PCB
Hydraulic pressure too low
Gas pressure too low
Configuration error
Configuration error or default parameter table incorrect
Configuration error or PSU PCB not recognised
Configuration error or parameters
Configuration procedure active
Communication error with the SU PCB
No flame during operation
Internal fault in the gas/air unit
(1) These blockages are not stored in the error history
8.1.4 Locking of the boiler
If the blocking conditions are still present after several start-up attempts,
the boiler becomes locked out (also called error mode). The boiler can on
ly start operating again once the causes of the lock-out have been rectified
and after pressing the
The locking code can be accessed via the parameter HM041 in the Infor
mation menu.
When one of the codes below is displayed, contact the professional re
sponsible for maintenance of the boiler.
Tab.32 Error table with error codes
Error code
Parameter storage unit PSU not found
Safety parameters not OK
Flow temperature sensor short circuited
Flow temperature sensor open
Temperature of heat exchanger too low
Temperature of heat exchanger too high
Return temperature sensor short-circuited
Open circuit in return temperature sensor
Return temperature too low
Return temperature too high
Difference between the flow and return temperatures too high
Heat exchanger temperature outside of the normal range (STB safety thermostat)
Five failed burner starts
False flame signal
Defective gas valve
Defective fan
8 Troubleshooting
7611444 - v02 - 11122015