Installing the Sensors
You can insert the GS3 sensor into soilless substrates in a variety of
ways; however, the orientation of the sensor does affect the sensor
accuracy. In addition, high spatial variability in soilless substrates
will drastically affect the difference between sensor readings from one
location to another.
The goal of installing a sensor into a substrate is to measure those pa-
rameters important to plant growth while not changing them. The
GS3 can be installed in many different orientations, depending on
your needs. However, common sense should be used. For exam-
ple, installing the sensor in the top of a pot that is being irrigated
by micro-sprinkler may cause water to drip around the sensor head,
leaving a dry patch of soil immediately below. A better option would
be to insert the sensor into the side of the root mass with the needles
horizontal, aligned in a vertical row. This allows water to flow freely
through the pot and measure ments to be made directly around the
roots. Still, when irrigation water is not applied from the surface, it
may be entirely appropriate to install the sensor on top of the sub-
strate. However, please keep in mind that the sensor only measures
the VWC in its sphere of influence.
Sensors can either be inserted into the top of the plant pot or into
the side of the root ball. Insertion into the side of of the root ball
may be the best option, as it will give the best indication of the water
available to the plant.