Em50 Series
Adding a User
The Em50G WebViewer requires you to either sign in or add an
account. If you have already made an account with the Decagon
Data Service through either the old Em50G downloader or Data-
Trac3, your account is already set up and you just have to enter
your credentials to sign in to the WebViewer. Otherwise, you must
make an account.
To make an account, begin by clicking on the “Create User” link
below the “Sign in” button. This brings up the Decagon Data Ser-
vice Registration form. Enter the required information and click on
the “Register” button at the bottom. If all goes well with your reg-
istration, you should see a page informing you that your registration
was successful. Click on the “login” link, and you are ready to add
new Em50G loggers to your account.
Add a Subscription
In order to view data from an Em50G, you must first “Subscribe”
to it. You are not limited by the number of Em50G loggers you
can subscribe to. See the Em50G WebViewer Help Files for more
information on subscribing to your data logger.