Em50 Series
Software & Configuration
We designed the Em50 series data loggers to have a simple configu-
ration and no data logger programming. The software packages are
key to the effectiveness and ease of the Em50 Series data loggers.
The software fits a variety of users and allows quick and easy access
to the data logger.
ECH20 Utility:
Use ECH20 Utility for basic data logger con-
figuration and direct connect data download in Excel format.
Customers can use ECH2O Utility on any Windows laptop,
netbook, or desktop computers.
Note: ECH20 Utility cannot download Em50G data from Decag
on Data Service.
DataTrac 3:
Use DataTrac 3 for configuring and organizing
multiple Em50 series loggers. DataTrac 3 database system au-
tomatically updates newly downloaded data and creates graphs
of complete data sets from each logger. DataTrac 3 is the pre-
mier software for downloading and collecting data from Em50R
or Em50G systems. This software is best if you are interested
in viewing your data on a daily or weekly basis because of the
software ability to automatically append new data collected by
each logger.
Em50G WebViewer:
Use the Em50G WebViewer applica-
tion if you do not have a DataTrac 3 license to remotely down-
load data as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and view graphs of
your data for the past week through the Decagon Data Service.
Access your Em50G data through the Em50G WebViewer at
DataTrac 3 has a User Manual available from the support section of
the product page at
. This chapter details ECH20 Utility and
the Em50G WebViewer.