Raider-Classic 150 (Oil-cooled&Internal Gearbox): Service Manual (single/ double-seat) EEC Version;3.0 Feb..2005
This service manual has been specially prepared to provide all the necessary information for the
proper maintenance and repair of the
RAIDER CLASSIC 150 (EEC-approved for on-road use).
fits the needs of a wide variety of buggy users above 16 years old. Those who will
service this
should carefully review this manual before performing any repair or service.
All information, illustrations, photographs and specifications contained in this manual are based on
the latest product information available at the time of publication. Due to the improvements or other
changes, there may be some discrepancies in this manual. Therefore, if the newest information is
requested in future, please contact the local distributor.
Distributors reverse the right to make production changes at any time, without prior notice or
incurring any obligation to make the same or similar changes for the vehicles previously built or