Accurate air quality readings require free air flow over the sensor. If your readings
stop or seem wrong, check the sensor housing for leaves, insect webs or nests, and
any other debris. You can use a vacuum hose or compressed air to clean the debris
from the sensor housing.
If large insects are a problem in a sensor mounted outside, you may install a screen
over the sensor. The sensor’s accuracy is rated without the screen, so be aware that
using the screen may reduce accuracy.
The screen is located in a storage area inside the sensor housing.
It is important to avoid damaging the device with a discharge of static electricity when
you touch the board. You should ground yourself before opening the case by
touching any conductive material, such as metal, that is either touching the floor or
touching a series of items leading to the floor.
1. Unplug the AC-power cable.
Unplugging the AC adapter will cause any stored archive data to be lost. Since data
is uploaded as soon as it is generated when connected to Wi-Fi, this will only be a
problem if the device has not been connected to Wi-Fi for some time.
2. Remove the two screws on the back of the sensor housing.
3. The screen is stored above the green PCBA board. Remove the factory-
installed frame (no screen) that surrounds the air intake openings, and replace
it with the screened frame.
4. Put the unscreened frame into the empty storage slot and close the sensor
Factory - installed
(no screen)
Air intake