Welcome to AirLink
AirLink air quality sensor uploads your air quality data directly to the
WeatherLink Cloud via Wi-Fi. You’ll see your air quality on your phone or tablet
with the WeatherLink app, or on your computer on WeatherLink.com.
It can be used as a stand-alone sensor, or added to your current weather station
system that is being uploaded to WeatheLink.com via WeatherLink Live or
WeatherLink data logger. You may add up to three sensors to your system. It can
be mounted indoors on a flat surface such as a counter or table top, or on a wall
using the included mounting bracket. It can also be used in a protected outdoor
location, mounted vertically and with the included outdoor sensor cover.
AirLink measures airborne particulate matter (PM) by shining a laser through the
air. Particles in the air reflect the laser and the sensor uses the reflection to
determine the number and size of particles.
You’ll get easy access to:
Real-time current readings
of particular matter (PM1, PM2.5, and PM10),
updated every minute.
Color-coded Air Quality Index
(AQI) reading, based on current PM2.5 data.
You may choose your preferred Air Quality Index (AQI) from a growing list:
United States Air Quality Index
Air Quality Health Index (Canada)
Metropolitan Index of Air Quality Index (Mexico)
Common Air Quality Index (EU)
UK Daily Air Quality Index
India Air Quality Index
China Individual Air Quality Index
AIRKOREA (South Korea)
Australian Air Quality Index
6-hour Air Quality
• High AQI
NowCast reading.
NowCast shows the current air quality using the AQI colors
and scales. It is calculated using the data for the current hour as well as multiple
hours of past data. It uses a heavier averaging weight for recent hours of data
and data that is changing rapidly. The NowCast reading is used in lieu of a 24-
hour average, to give you a more useful indication of the danger of the air
quality over that period.
You can access your data on WeatherLink.com or the WeatherLink mobile app.
Archive data (used in trends and NowCast) updates at user-selectable intervals
every 15, 30 or 60 minutes. More frequent archive update intervals are available
with Pro (5, 15, 30, 60), and Pro+ (1,5,15,30,60) tier subscriptions.
If you are adding your AirLink with a currently upgraded system, the AirLink will be
automatically upgraded as well.
Use AirLink with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Just ask for your current air