Mount Your AirLink
AirLink can be mounted inside or in a protected area outside where AC power is
available. Good airflow through the sensor is important.
Using on flat surface such as a counter or tabletop:
1. Adhere the foot pads to the feet.
2. Slide the mounting bracket down and off the sensor housing.
3. Place the sensor on the surface, with the Davis logo facing upward. The raised
feet on the underside of the sensor housing will ensure air flow through the
If installing on a vertical surface, inside or outside:
Installing the sensor outside:
Choose a shaded and protected spot. In the
Northern Hemisphere, a north-facing (south-facing in the Southern Hemisphere)
wall or under an eave is a good choice. Don’t install the sensor near outdoor
exhaust vents for air conditioning, hot water heaters, dryers, or kitchen/bathroom
If using outdoors, mount only on a vertical surface and with the outdoor sensor cover.
Do not use on a flat surface or without the cover.
1. Slide the mounting bracket down and off the back of the sensor housing.
2. Use the bracket as a template to mark screw holes, then use a drill create pilot
holes in the mounting surface. Use the included screws to mount the bracket to
the wall.
3. Slide the sensor housing down onto the bracket. It will click into place.