Underside of the Cardio sensor chest strap
Cardio sensor chest strap
correctly put on
Relax Sensor strap
Note: Your pulse rate will be
correctly evaluated over the whole
measuring range only if you use
a non-coded wireless pulse rate
Triathlon Handlebars add-on (special accessory)
Relax Sensor
The relax-sensor controls the relaxation process by means of the relax function
following a physical fitness training or any other loading.
You must wait for a beep signal
when a memory card is inserted
in a premium device.
This can take about 5 seconds.
(if the card is empty it will be initialised)
In principle the memory card should be
pulled out while you are not pedalling or
only after the beep signal!
The protection slider must point to the bottom when the card is inserted into the
dashboard. This will make it possible to write to the card. (If the slider points
upward the card is locked)
Connect the ear clip to the Cardio socket. The pulse rate is measured by means
of an infrared sensor and shown on the screen.
Cardio Sensor Chest Strap (Special Accessory
The chest strap contains a wireless transmitter that transmits the pulse rate to
the Cardio pulse rate receiver in the device.
What is in the box of a Cardio Sensor chest strap (non coded):
1 Skin-friendly Cardio Sensor chest strap with integrated pulse sensor and
1 Adjustable elastic strap to attach it to your chest
The chest band is available from daum electronic gmbh;
order no. 90 91 015.
The button type battery should be replaced when you note a loss of battery
power. Simply remove the battery cover on the underside of the transmitter with
a coin and replace the battery with an equivalent new one.
Cardio Sensor chest strap
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