General Notes
Training Hints
Generally speaking, training twice a week will help retain your physical condition
level. To improve your fitness level you must train at least three or four times
per week.
You should consult a physician before increasing the number of weekly training
units, to avoid overloading yourself.
Important Notes
Mains Voltage 230 Volt
Because of new regulations the mains voltage must be specified in the form of
a definite value. Consequently, the mains voltage values indicated with a tolerance
from 220 to 240 Volt will be restricted for all the ergometers of daum electronic
to the single mains voltage value of 230 Volt.
Mains Power Supply
In order to avoid all hazards any damages to the connection cable to the mains
power supply or to the On/Off switch must immediately be repaired, or replaced
with new parts, by the manufacturer, the customer service department of the
manufacturer, or similarly qualified service personnel.
Training Hints
The ergo_bike makes it possible to define and control the exercise sequence
It is thus possible to adapt constantly the training plan to the capacities of the
user. This device is suitable for therapeutic use.
It does not meet the requirements
for medical and diagnostic usage (in medical clinics)
Ergometers are designed for endurance, kinesitherapy and physical condition
training, as well as for strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing
the muscle mass. The inclusion of the pulse rate in the parameters used to
control the load enables training in the efficient aerobic zone.
Being in the aerobic zone means the muscles loading is at the exact level where
they can be adequately supplied with oxygen without overproduction of lactic
acid (muscles ache). Therefore, the ergometer bike is also a great value for
sports medicine and physical education.
The fact that the training effort can be finely measured gives you the possibility
to carry out physical stress tests to get information on your physical condition.
You can thus identify early any cardiovascular problems and, with the help of
a physician, set up a special endurance training-plan to deal with them.
A sporty and adjustable sitting posture, and an appropriate shoe (sports shoe),
is of great significance for the efficiency and the benefit of the training with the
ergo_bike premium8i. The handlebars, saddle height, and saddle inclination
should be adjusted to the personal requirements of the user. Similarly with sporty
(athletic) biking the users back should build and slight curvature (arched back),
and his legs should still be slightly bent at the lower pedal position.
Environmental Conditions
Ergometers are not suited for operation in rooms and / or areas with explosion
risks or in a combustive atmosphere. The devices may not be operated in the
near vicinity of e.g. motors or transformers with big electrical connections because
electric or magnetic fields may disturb or deactivate some functions. The vicinity
of high voltage cables is also to be avoided.
Unless otherwise specified in the accompanying documentation and delivery
documents, all the devices are designed to be used in the usual indoor conditions
under the climate conditions considered normal:
Temperature range: -10°C .....+40°C
The devices must therefore be protected against particular humidity effects.
Ventilation opening must not be covered in order to avoid restricting the circulation
of air. Storage temperature range: -20°C .....+50°C
All the devices may be stored for a maximum period of 6 to 9 months without
being connected to an electrical power supply. Beyond this period the rechargeable
batteries may loose their charge as a consequence of the lack of electrical power
supply. If the storage period of the device exceeds this period, it will eventually
need to be reprogrammed.
Used Symbols
The symbols used on the ergo_bike premium8 comply with the IEC 417 and
IEC 878 standards (table D1/D2).
Accompanying documents / instructions.
Device of type B
Dangerous electrical voltage
Alternating current
Protective cable connection
Potential equalisation
Recycling of old electric and electronic devices
read the operating instructions
Compliance to Standards
The ergo_bike-premium8i may not be used if the certifications/approval and the
defined safety standards (according to the table of the technical specifications)
do not comply with the local prescriptions. The local country specifications must
be compared with those of the device before using the device and the device
may only be used if they comply with each other.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com