User's Manual DTX-200
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Edition: May 2013
Backup on the compact flash card
To optimize performance some models do not run automatic backup within every write. To
save your data into the compact flash press on BP2. Your data will then be saved to the
volume you are working on. The LEDs below the display are lit continuously during the
If you current emulator do not support automatic back up make sure to press BP2 before
switching it off.
Switch position «WRITE PROTECT»
The switch write protect enables and disable write protection. When the Led write protect
turns on it mean that the write protect protection is activated and if the led write protect is
turn off it means that write protection is disabled.
Red = Write Protect
Switch position «2HD/2DD»
The 2HD/2DD switch is used to switch the emulator drive from Double density or High
density mode. Just like any floppy drives the emulator is able to use both 2HD (1.44Mb) or
2DD (720Ko) depending on the floppy inserted in the drive. The emulator offers the same
options with the flip of a switch. This also allows the user to have on the same Compact
Flash the possibility to have volumes of 2HD and 2DD.
Blue led = 2HD
Write Protect
Write Protect
Write Protect
2HD/2DD mode