User Manual, Version 1.09
2006 by Datastrip, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
7.10 Fingerprint Capture Utility (DsVerifyFpCaptureTest.exe)
This application demonstrates the capabilities of the fingerprint image sensor on the DSV2+ and
it provides a means of exercising the fingerprint imaging system. The application has several
buttons that allow a user to Scan to the display or Scan to File. Since this application is provided
as source code in the SDK, it is often used as an example for developers to observe how typical
application software can interface to the fingerprint subsystem.
The source code for this
application is provided in the SDK for developer use.
7.11 DsVerify Registry Install Utility (DsVerifyRegInst.exe)
This application registers all of the Datastrip specific components of the DSV2+ that are needed
to read/write Smart Cards, scan documents, operate the Fingerprint sensor, and so forth. It is
typically run after a software update to registers the components in sequence and reports any
errors if it doesn’t succeed. If it finishes successfully, it pops up a message box indicating
“Finished Registration”. It can take up to a minute or two to complete this process.
Internally, this program calls regsvrce.exe to register each ActiveX control so that the interface
presented by the ActiveX control will be available for application use. This is usually followed
by RegistrySaver.exe (or Suspend) to make sure that the altered registry is written to flash
memory for future use. When this application is invoked, it queries the user for the specific
DSV2+ platform type (DSV2+-SC, DSV2+-SW, or DSV2+-PA) and writes the appropriate
platform type information into the registry along with the other registration information.
7.12 DsVerify Registry Saver Utility (RegistrySaver.exe)
This application is used to save the current registry settings to flash memory. This is very useful
after adding applications (or applications components such as ActiveX controls) to DSV2+
products that require some aspect of the behavior to be registered. When any DSV2+ is
powered-on, the saved registry is read and used as part of WinCE startup. Datastrip ActiveX
components are registered (see DsVerifyRegInst application that follows) and then the registry
settings are saved using this application. The registry can also be saved by hitting “Suspend”
function that is located under the Start menu button, but this application is provided to save the
registry to the Storage Card without having to warm-start the unit.