Viper User
Manual (001-5008-000 Rev6)
objects, and the network protocol. The manager provides the interface between the human
network manager and the management system. The agent provides the interface between
the manager and the physical devices being managed (7.4). SNMP uses basic messages
such as GET, GET-NEXT, SET, and TRAP
) to communicate between the manager and the
Figure 7.4 - SNMP: manager/agent model
Traps: Traps (or alarms) can be automatically generated by the Viper radio modem
whenever the forward or reverse power goes out of specification. These traps can be sent to
a user specified IP address or addresses. Use the following steps to enable traps:
1) Enable SNMP (Setup (Advanced) – IP Services)
2) Enter IP Addresses into Trap IP List. (Setup (Advanced) – IP Services)
3) Enable Individual Traps. (Setup (Advanced) – Alarm Reporting)
Trap IP List: This list shows the user programmed IP addresses where the Viper will send
SNMP traps. To add an IP Address to the list, select the 'Add' radio button, enter the IP
Address into the text box, and then click the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the page.
When the page is refreshed the new IP address will appear in the Trap IP List. To delete an
IP Address from the list, select the 'Delete' radio button, enter the IP Address to delete into
the text box, and then click the 'Apply' button at the bottom of the page.
The Viper is compatible with SNMP version 2.
The manager and agent use a Management Information Base (MIB), a logical, hierarchically
organized database of network management information. MIB comprises a complete
collection of objects used to manage entities in a network. A long numeric tag or object
identifier (OID) is used to distinguish each variable uniquely in the MIB and SNMP
Viper MIB File
Each Viper unit firmware package is bundled with three MIB files (found inside
: contains a top level set of managed object definitions aimed at
managing Dataradio products
: contains a set of managed object definitions aimed at managing TCP/IP-
based internets
: contains a set of managed object definitions aimed at managing Dataradio
Viper modems
Management Database
Management Database
Managed Object
Management System
Managed Element
Human Network