The WallControl 10 - Security Administration Client allows Administrators to
assign specific users to roles on a wall by wall basis. For example, a user can be
assigned a role allowing unrestricted access on one wall but assigned a role
on another wall which only allows the opening of pre-determined layouts.
Prior to the Security Client being used for the first time, the SecurityOnOff.exe
program must be running to enable security protection for the application.
To manually run the SecurityOnOff.exe, ensure you are logged into Windows®
with Administrator Rights.
Locate and double click on the SecurityOnOff.exe file:
Program Files|WallControl 10| Security Server|SecurityOnOff
The WallControl 10 Security Application help file contains information on
how to:
Import users from the Windows Active Directory into the database.
Create and edit roles.
Assign permissions to providers, layouts and sources giving specific
roles access to them.
Assign roles to walls.
VSNMicro 600 Quick Start Guide