7.5 Wall Monitor (Optional)
The optional Wall Monitor software application enables you to monitor the temperatures and voltages of the following system
Capture Cards
SQX Cards
CPU Cores
Graphics Cards
Should any overheating or voltage surge be imminent within the system, the Wall Monitor application will alert the user via a
pre-configured alarm.
When running, the Wall Monitor application can display a transparent floating icon which can be placed anywhere on the
Cursor tooltips are available throughout the application offering information and advice. Hover the cursor over different areas
of the application to reveal the tooltips. The application also has a help file to assist you, click on any help button or press F1 on
your keyboard to access the help files.
Wall Monitor Icon
Left click the centre of the icon
to open the application or right
click to display the application
Left click and hold on the
border of the icon to move it
around the desktop.
7.5.1 Monitoring System Components
Each of the system components listed above have built in temperature and/or voltage sensors which enables the Wall Monitor
application to display any increase or decrease in voltage and temperature. The temperature and voltage ranges are graded as
Green = Normal operating conditions
Amber = An indication that voltages or temperatures are operating outside of normal thresholds and if configured and alarm
will activate.
Red = Indicates that the voltages or temperatures have exceeded the acceptable working thresholds and a system shutdown is