R-IN 1300 MC User Manual – Rev
39 (50)
Stop reading
Plug in the USB-cable and connect your PC with the “R-IN1300 MC Advanced” (USB-cable
For technical reason wait 4-5 seconds so that the system can prepare the journal-file.
Find the journal-file:
use Explorer
(ie: Drive “F:\R-IN1300\journals\journal_HF.cvs”
the journal-file on your LocalDisk and open the copy.
If you do not find the journal-file, unplug the USB-Cable and plug it in again until the system
detects the presence of the file.
Unplug the USB-Cable and turn the reader off
Repeat the whole procedure from the beginning
Please note:
The USB-Cable can be plugged in ONLY after the reader has been stopped.
The journal file in the emulated USB-Mass-Storage should not be opened, edited or deleted.
The reader must be reset each time at the end of the procedure.
7 M
The reader offers the possibility to use a memory-pen to store UIDs into a file called “inventory.txt”.
If this service is enabled, the UIDs detected during the reading-phase are both sent to the selected
output devices (RS232 and/or Ethernet) and written into the memory-pen together with the detection-
timestamp (mandatory) and the antenna-index (optional).
To activate this service, either “USB momory pen” field on the GUI had to be selected or “*mp1” in the
RS232-terminal has to be typed.
To disable it, either the “USB momory pen” field on the GUI has to be cleared or “*mp0” in the RS232-
terminal has to be typed.