<$IComputer Operation>Computer
that is not so. What your see is what S4 chooses to
send you in response:sometimes
this is what you typed: sometimes it is not.
Terminal programs usually
let you send and receive files as well, with
handshaking properly
implemented, and that is all that is required for
complete control
of S4.
Dataman supplies free terminal software for your
PC for use with S4.
S4DRIVER has online help and will work at
speeds up to 115200 baud.
File Formats.
S4 sends and receives orthodox computer files.
Only a programmer with an unusual amount of
patience would wish to
enter a large quantity of code into S4 by keying it
in hexadecimal
numbers. Microsystems have in the past been
developed by "hand-assembly":
the translation of microprocessor instructions into
machine code mentally
without benefit of an assembler, writing the
instructions into memory
in hexadecimal using a keyboard and repetitively
trying out the program
until it works. Most sane programmers these days,
who want to stay
sane, would use an assembler which permits the
entry of code as instruction-mnemonics. The