Introduction to S4
If the START address is changed to fall outside
the current boundary
then the END address changes automatically to
the end of the new boundary.
If either the START or the END address is moved
away from the boundary,
the = (equal) sign will change to a # (not equal).
S4 refuses to accept a value for the END address
outside the current
PROM size.
If the configured PROM is bigger than the
available memory, then the
sign before the DEST address will always be #. In
this case it is
not possible to handle the whole PROM in one
pass. The DEST address,
may be edited with the <F129M>a <F255D>and
<F129M>b<F255D> keys to divide the PROM
into blocks which can be handled separately.
AMD/MMI 27C080<R>
12.75v TO PIN 1<R>
Only one set of START, END, DEST addresses
are stored and shared between
those functions which use these parameters.
Pressing the ESCape key when editing the
parameter line aborts the
command, but leaves the START, END, DEST as
seen - it does not restore
their original values.
<$IPROM;Page Mode>Paged
EPROMS e.g. 27513
A Page has a special meaning for EPROMS like
the 27513, which is