@BULLET = Busy Tone 50 =800 hz
The battery charger is prevented from working if
the battery is too
cold or too hot i.e. not between min and max. If
you want to adjust
these levels, one degree centigrade is about 2.7
@BULLET = Max Batt Temp AA =42 <198>C
@BULLET = Min Batt Temp 64 = 15<198>C
The following parameters govern the operation of
the Fuel Gauge. Charge time
and discharge time are proportional to the
number of seconds needed
to change battery contents by one ma/hr. Smaller
values will make
the apparent rate of charge or discharge faster.
Values should be
adjusted on test if accuracy of the Fuel Gauge is
@BULLET = Charge time 0B
@BULLET = Discharge time 1C
Deep and Normal Discharge govern the automatic
operation of the Battery
Charger. They are set to 25% and 75% on a cold
start. <R>
The rule is that if a charger is connected when S4
is switched on,
the battery will be charged if the Fuel Gauge
shows less than Norm
Discharge level. <R>
When S4 is in operation with the charger
connected, the Fuel Gauge
is allowed to fall to the Deep Discharge level
before the battery
is recharged.
@BULLET = Deep Discharge 40