Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
discharged under pressure, with any part of the body. The extremely low
temperature resulting from the rapid expansion of liquid refrigerant or
pressurized gas can cause sudden and irreversible tissue damage.
The compressor POE oil for R-410A units is extremely susceptible to moisture
absorption and could cause compressor failure. Do not leave system open to
atmosphere any longer than necessary for installation.
NOTICE Do not apply power to the compressor when in a vacuum
Refrigerant Handling
The use of recovery/recycling units is required by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.
Technicians who service and dispose of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment must recover the refrigerant
instead of venting it to the atmosphere.
Except for extremely small releases of refrigerant such as what occurs when disconnecting service hoses, a
technician who knowingly releases or vents refrigerant to the atmosphere is in violation of this regulation.
Refrigerant purchasers must be certified technicians and have a valid EPA certification card.
Refrigeration systems contain fluids under pressure at dangerous temperatures and pressures. Proper safety
procedures must be followed to provide a system that is acceptable. Refer to ASHRAE Standard 15, Safety Code for
Mechanical Refrigeration and ASME Standard B31.5, Refrigeration for more detail regarding refrigerant handling.
Piping should be followed. Most building codes require adherence to these Standards. Technicians or installer
should also be EPA or other government agency certified to handle refrigerants.
Pressure relief lines(s) with optional relief valves internal to the
evaporator must be vented to the atmosphere per the latest edition of
ASHRAE Standard 15 and/or any local building, fire or mechanical codes.