Hornet Pilot handling guide – June 09
Flight Characteristics
All controls are light to the feel and are responsive. See supplementary notes on trailing edge
Set trim forward. Raise tail and balance on main wheel when airspeed is gained ready for takeoff.
Recommended thermalling speed is 45 knots. The glider may have a tendency to drop a wing lower
than 45 knots. Add 10 knots speed for max water ballast.
The Hornet can be flown up to 75 knots before the sink rate becomes too excessive. Add 10 knots
for max water ballast. The Hornet has a 38:1 glide ratio with best LD at about 50 knots without
water ballast.
The glider stalls in the conventional manner. Recovery is progressive forward movement of the stick
until flying speed is returned.
Stall speed is 35-42 knots without water.
Stall speed (brakes open) is about 2 knots
The Hornet has typical spin characteristics and recovers easily with the standard spin recovery
Water Ballast:
Although the Hornet can be landed with water ballast still on board, it is recommended to dump
before landing. Water ballast must be dumped before temperature reaches 0 deg C. Dump time for
full water is approx. 2 minutes.
Circuit and Landing:
Use approach speed of 53 knots
(no wind)
minimum cockpit load
63 knots
(no wind
) maximum cockpit load
Setup finals approach for half airbrake
Roll control is adequate for ground roll
On ground roll when below stall speed,
hold tail wheel on the ground by applying back stick.
This will help with directional control and help to prevent the glider nosing over and scraping
the belly.