Hornet Pilot handling guide – June 09
Trim Ballast
The Hornet has no provision for trim ballast. Pilots who are under the minimum pilot weight can use
lead weights to sit on to bring them up to minimum weight. Consult an instructor to position and
secure the weight properly.
Min Pilot weight
74 kg
Max Pilot weight
103 kg
Daily Inspection notes
In addition to the daily inspection routine:
Tyre Pressures:
Main Wheel: 36 psi
Tail Wheel:
22 psi
Main Pin:
One main pin with a spring loaded lock
Always check TE probe, Pitot tube and Static Ports for blockages from wasp nests.
Check control box at the base of the control column. Foreign objects can get lodged in and
jam controls. Make sure the boot covering the box is secure and tight.
Open and check trailing edge airbrakes making sure hinges and control arms are secure.
Check control
box and re-fit
T.E. Probe
Static Ports
Hinges and
control arms