PCIe-FRM24 Users Manual (Rev 1.3)
”Camera Mode” selection
0 : Area 1 : Line (Freerun) 2: Line (Ext) 3: Line (Int)
“Save Compare”
: Compares the original image file with the saved image file and displays the
number of bytes incorrectly..
“UART” selection
It selects 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 Baud Rate.
“Send” button
It sends UART data in the next column.
“Get” button
It gets the data from UART buffer.
“Clear” button
It clears the UART Receiver buffer.
“Auto Save”
When checking, save the image file in BMP or JPEG format in the box below..
(Not currently implemented.)
“Select Folder”
It selects the folder to save. By default, it is set to the D: \ Image folder.
“Save Count”
: Displays the number of saved frame.
“CC” (Camera Control)
Camera Control can be set by the lower 4 bits of the left Edit Box.