PCIe-FRM24 Users Manual (Rev 1.3)
-- Contents --
1. Introduction
2. PCIe-FRM24 Functions
2.1 FPGA Block Diagram
2.2 Encoder Trigger Controller
3. PCIe-FRM24 Board Description
3.1 PCB Layout
3.2 Description of the functional blocks
3.3 Connector Pin-out
3.3.1 J4(MDR26) Connecter
3.3.2 J2(MDR26) Connecter
3.3.3 J1 Connecter
3.3.4 J5 Connecter
3.3.2 J7 Connecter
3.3.5 SW1
4. Installation
4.1 Hardware Installation
4.1.1 Package Contents
4.1.2 Installation Sequence
4.2 Software Driver Installation
5. Sample Program
5.1 FrmTest
5.2 FrameView
A.1 General Specification
A.2 Physical Dimension