NET-FRM01 Users Manual (Rev 1.3)
2.4 Camera Link and NET-FRM01
NET-FRM01 supports Camera Link Base/Medium/Full Configuration. Base Configuration, 24
data bits and four enable signals Frame Valid, Line Valid, Data Valid and a spare, including 28-bit
parallel signals serialized four LVDS signal lines and one LVDS signal line to fit the camera and
synchronous LVDS signal lines including four CC (Camera Control) signal and full 11 includes
two asynchronous serial communication to communicate with the camera LVDS lines, is
transmitted through one MDR cable. In order to use the MDR Medium / Full Configuration is
used other cable and has a total 64bit wide video path.
The transmitted signal is parallelized to 64-bit parallel image signal and Frame Valid, Line Valid,
Data Valid, and a spare for each specification from 12 image LVDS serial signal through channel
link chip of NET-FRM01.
Camera Control
Above picture is a Camera Control output circuit from USB3-FRM13 board to Camera for the
specific control of the Camera-link Cable.
The NET-FRM01 board has four differential digital outputs. Each output is mapped by Digital
output. Below picture[Figure 2-6] display that each bit position set.