<Main Menu>
<System Info>
By switch on and off user can choose the items to
display on screen when the dome is running.
<Site Name>
Choose to display site name.
<Cruise Title>
Choose to display cruise title when the dome is
<Preset Title>
Choose to display preset title when calling
<Pattern Name>
Choose to display pattern title when the dome
is replaying pattern sequences
Choose display the current zoom times
Choose to display the current lens pointing
<Zone Name>
Choose to display the current zone title
Select <Back> to return to upper menu
<Main Menu>
<Bootup Screen>
Boot-up info displays summary information of the
dome. Values are fixed in this sub-menu. Refer to
“Boot-up Info” to check the item. Call preset 1 to
return to upper menu.
<Main menu>
<System Info>
<Input Password >
Move joystick right to enter submenu.
<Old Password>
Enter the old password.
If old password is correct, cursor goes back
behind <Input Password>, so that new
password can be input. If old Password is not
correct, cursor goes back to front of <Input
Password>. Password can not be changed in
this case.
When and only when new password is entered,
user can get to this menu item. If password is
not the same as entered the first time, it
remains unchanged.
<Password Protection>
Switch on and off the password protection.
When it is <On> user need to enter password to
access main menu or save preset through
NOTE: The dome’s default password is 123456.
Contact the supplier for the master password if
forget the password after changing. Select
BACK to return to upper menu.
Site Name: On
Cruise Title: On
Preset Title: On
Pattern Name: On
Zoom: On
Orientation: On
Zone Name: On
Camera S/N : 8888888888
Camera ID : 001
Baud Rate : 9600bps
Protocol : Default
Model :
Version : 0.95
Outer Temp :022C/071F
System Tem:027C/080F
Fan Speed :6480rpm
Call Preset 1 To Back
Input Password: ******
Confirm : ******
Pswd Protection: On
Old Password:******