- 11
Adjust clips.
Adjust the height of the three mounting clips.
Swing the three mounting clips to adhere to
C e i l i n g T h i c k n e s s
M o u n t i n g C l i p
Install housing.
Push housing into ceiling and let the clips stretch
out. Finally, screw the three clips to tighten the
Set dome ID, baud rate and protocol.
Set dome ID, bard rate and protocol by configuring
DIP switches (Refer to APPENDIX I).
NOTE: Remove the packing sponges.
S W 1
S W 2
Install Pan/Tilt Module.
Push the black liner into the two tabs. Install the
pan/tilt module with two clips, match color of AMP
sockets. Gently push the module upward until
hearing two clicks.
NOTE: Remove the lens cover
S a m e C o l o r
A M P S o c k e t
T a b
T a b
Install lower cover.
Fasten the safety chain on housing. Align clasps
and mounting holes then turn clock-wise.
NOTE: Let the safety chain inside the arc groove of
the lower cover, otherwise it may scratch the lens.