DanTaet a/s
User Manual System KMP-V
110101 func. spec. 160926
Doc.No. 417106
Revision 170823
Page 14 of 26
External Control
System KMP-V features two digital inputs which are activated by shorting their terminals
using e.g. a relay contact or a panel switch.
The open terminals carry 12Vdc. Short circuit current is < 5mA.
The functions invoked by activating the digital inputs are determined by internal jumper
settings. Refer to the section
Jumper Settings: Digtal Input Function Selection
Input 1 (DIP1, J9) always performs the INHIBIT function which acknowledges any alarm
and suppresses leakage monitors.
Further, for some jumper settings, Input 1 invokes the VFO function, which forces the
cut-off valve open.
This forced opening
dominates any request for valve closure
DIP1 is designed for connection to fire alarm (ABA) systems, or door switches in fire
cabinets containing roll-out hoses. Such connections should invariably be established
using cable that is fireproof and function proof as per IEC60331.
The preferred embodiment is fail-safe and tamper-proof, i.e.a normally closed loop that is
interrupted by a fire alarm or by the opening of a cabinet door. This requires a change of
digital input polarity by cfg3:ii1.
Input 2 (DIP2, J10) is used to steer the consumption phase from an existing burglar
alarm system (AIA). If a burglar alarm is unavailable, KMP-V can perform automatic
phase switching using signals from PIR sensors installed at relevant locations (access to
bathrooms, kitchens, etc.)
Depending on jumper settings, input 2 accepts from AIA either a relay contact which
closes when the burglar alarm is switched on (HDY), or which closes when the burglar
alarm is deactivated (HIP).
Further, for some jumper settings, input 2 invokes the VFO function, which forces the cut-
off valve open, the function VEN which enables valve control, or VCL which closes the
cut-off valve.
If KMP-V is configured to use PIR motion sensors, signals on input 2 as well as the front
panel Holiday button are ignored.
If input 2 is configured for AIA with a ’make’ function on deactivating the burglar alarm,
and further is configured to force open the valve, the KMP-V will force open the valve in
High Phase also when this is selected automatically by a PIR signal.
The valve indicator extinguishes when the valve is forced open ( = no valve).