Modify What? screen
Modify What?
Use to define the signal you would like to display.
Advanced Parameters
Use to define gauge icon, range, multiplier and tick settings.
Gauge Type
Use to define gauge appearance.
5. When modifying signal, 3 signal types are available.
Signal Type screen
Signal Type
Standard J1939
Choose from over 4500 signal types.
Custom CAN
Choose a CAN signal.
Choose hardware specific signals.
6. When choosing Standard J1939, it is possible to search for available signals. Choose between Text,
PGN and SPN search types. Use the left and right arrow soft keys to cycle through the alphabet and
enter the signal.
Search for the signal screen
User Manual
DM430E Series Display - Engine Information Center (EIC) Software
Setup to monitor signals
Danfoss | December 2018
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