Inhibit Regeneration action
If the user selects the Inhibit Regeneration action while the action menu is being displayed the same
function as described in
Initiate Regeneration action
will be executed, with the following.
Bit 0 (out of 0-7) in byte 5 (out of 0-7) is set to 1 (true).
The pop up reads Inhibit Regen.
The acknowledgment lights up the Regeneration Inhibit LED.
Initiate Regeneration action
If the user selects the Initiate Regeneration action while the action menu is being displayed; bit 2 (out of
0-7) in byte 5 (out of 0-7) will be set to 1 (true) in the J1939 message PGN 57344 bound for the engine.
This change prompts the message to be transmitted. The bit will stay like this for the duration of the soft
key press or for the 3 second countdown to soft key inactivity, whichever occurs first. The bit is then reset
to 0 (false).
The soft key press also prompts the display to show a pop up lasting for 3 seconds. This popup simply
says Initiate Regen. If the display does not receive an acknowledgment from the engine on the change
to message PGN 57344 the last half of the pop up will read No Engine Signal. This acknowledgment is
the command that lights up the Initiate Regeneration LED on the display unit housing.
TSC1 RPM setpoint
The TSC1 message sends the RPM requirement for the engine.
User Manual
DM430E Series Display - Engine Information Center (EIC) Software
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Danfoss | December 2018