Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Setting Frame Rate and Exposure Time
Pu rp ose:
Sets the camera’s frame rate in Hz. Camera must be operating in
exp osu re m od e 7.
ssf f
Syntax Elem ents:
Set the fram e rate to a valu e from :
1 to 142,000
1 to 320
Valu e rou nd ed u p / d ow n as requ ired . The m axim u m
line/ fram e rate is affected by the throu ghp u t setting and by the
nu m ber of CCD integration stages.
N otes:
If you enter an invalid fram e rate frequ ency the valu e, the
cam era clip s the fram e rate to be w ithin the cu rrent op erating
range and a w arning m essage is retu rned .
If you enter a fram e rate frequency ou t of the range d isp layed
on the help screen, an error message is retu rned and the fram e
rate rem ains u nchanged .
The cam era d oes not au tom atically change the fram e rate after
you change stage selection valu es. You m ay have to ad ju st you r
fram e rate to avoid ignored syncs.
To return the camera’s frame rate, use the commad
Related Com m and s:
Exam p le:
ssf 10000
3.3 Data Processing
Setting a Region of Interest
Pu rp ose:
Sets the p ixel range u sed to collect the end -of-line statistics and
sets the region of p ixels u sed in the
com m and s.
In m ost ap p lications, the field of view exceed s the requ ired object
size and these extraneou s areas shou ld be ignored . It is
recom m end ed that you set the region of interest a few p ixels
insid e the actu al u seable im age.
roi x1 y1 x2 y2
Syntax Elem ents:
Colu m n start nu m ber. Mu st be less than or equ al to the
colu m n end nu m ber in a range from
to (colu m n resolu tion –
Row start nu m ber. Mu st be less than or equ al to the row end
nu m ber in a range from
to (row end nu m ber – 1) excep t in
TDI Mod e w here
m u st be