Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Error Messages
Camera Response
Error 01: Internal error xx>
Where xx is a cod e list below .
Only ou tp u t d u ring p ow er u p .
Cu stom er shou ld contact Teled yne DALSA cu stom er
su p p ort.
Error 02: Unrecognized com m and >
Com m and is not valid .
Error 03: Incorrect nu m ber of
p aram eters>
Too m any or too few p aram eters.
Error 04: Incorrect p aram eter valu e> This resp onse retu rned for
Cam era received for nu m eric or visa versa
Float w here integer exp ected
N ot an elem ent of the set of p ossible valu es.
E.g., Bau d Rate
Ou tsid e the range lim it
Error 05: Com m and u navailable in
this m od e>
E.g. SSF w hen in SEM 3
Error 06: Tim eou t>
Com m and not com p leted in tim e. E.g. CCF in SEM 3
w hen no external EXSYN C is p resent.
Error 07: Cam era settings not saved > Ind icates that u ser settings have been corru p ted by
tu rning off the p ow er w hile execu ting the WUS
com m and . Mu st bu ild u p new settings from factory
and re-save w ith WUS.
Error 08: Unable to calibrate - tap
ou tsid e ROI>
Cannot calibrate a tap that is not p art of the end of line
Error 09: The cam era's tem p eratu re
exceed s the sp ecified op erating
Ind icates th at the cam era has shu t itself d ow n to
p revent d am age from fu rther overheating. (flashing
red )
Shuts d ow n at internal temperature of 75˚C and w ill
not restart until below 65˚C (equivalent to 50˚C at front
p late).
Error 10: FPGA Flash Program Failed FCS failed either becau se of com m u nication error or a
bad file w as sent.