Dalsa Piranha Скачать руководство пользователя страница 32



Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual 



Teledyne DALSA 


PRNU Correction 

Performing PRNU to a user entered value 

Pu rp ose: 


N ote: CPA 5 or 6 
shou ld  be u sed .  


CPA 2 and  4 are 
available, bu t 
u sing them  m ay 
cau se you r cam era 
to p erform  
contrary to its 
sp ecifications. 


Perform s PRN U calibration to u ser entered  valu e and  elim inates the 
d ifference in resp onsivity betw een the m ost and  the least sensitive 
p ixel creating a u niform  resp onse to light. Using this com m and , you  
m u st p rovid e a calibration target. 

Execu ting these algorithm s cau ses the 


 com m and  to be set to 0 (no 

backgrou nd  su btraction), the 


 com m and  to 0 (u nity d igital gain), 

and  the 


 com m and  to 0 (no backgrou nd  ad d ition). The p ixel 

coefficients are d isabled  (ep c 0 0) d u ring the algorithm  execu tion bu t 
retu rned  to the state they w ere p rior to com m and  execu tion. 

Ad d itionally w hen CPA 5/ 6 are u sed , th e d igital gains w ill be 
au tom atically ad ju sted  for op tim al p erform ance w hen calcu lating 
p ixel coefficients. It is exp ected  that after u sing CPA 5/ 6 that you r 
gains w ill be set to a new  valu e. 



cpa i i 

Syntax Elem ents: 



PRN U calibration algorithm  to u se: 


 = Calcu lates the PRN U coefficients and  Digital gains u sing the 

entered  target valu e as show n below : 

Target valu e (14 bits) in range from  4096 to 16220DN   

For exam p le, if the cam era is in 8 bit m od e and  the target is to be 
200DN , u se (200x64) = 12800 (14 bit equ ivalent) as target valu e. 

The calcu lation is p erform ed  for all sensor p ixels bu t w arnings 
are only ap p lied  to p ixels in the region of interest. This algorithm  
is u sefu l for achieving u niform ou tp u t across m u ltip le cam eras. 
It is im p ortant to note that the target valu e (set w ith the next 
p aram eter) d oes not need  to be equ al of higher to the highest 
p ixel across all cam eras. Since the cp a 5 fu nction now  controls 
gain, negative gain valu es m ay also be set  au tom atically. The 
id eal resu lt of CPA 5 is that the PRN U coefficients and  the 
cam era gain are setu p  au tom atically. 



 = Calcu lates the PRN U coefficient and  the Digital gains in the 

sam e w ay as 

cpa 5

 w ith the excep tion that this com m and  only 

calcu lates PRN U for p ixels w ithin the cu rrent Region of Interest 






Peak target valu e in a range from  4096 to 16220 DN .  

N otes: 


Calibrate FPN  before calibrating PRN U. If you  are not 
p erform ing FPN  calibration then issu e the 


 (reset p ixel 

coefficients) com m and . 


CPA 2 and  CPA 4 fu nctions are still available for u se in the 
cam era, bu t Teled yne DALSA d oes not recom m end  their u se 
and  w ill not gu arantee any cam era sp ecifications. The im p rop er 
u se of CPA 2/ 4 m ay cau se the cam era to exceed  its d esigned  
p erform ance criteria. 


CPA 2/ 4 w ill only calcu late a PRN U coefficient and  w ill not 
ad ju st gain. 

Содержание Piranha

Страница 1: ...03 032 20213 01 www teledynedalsa com Piranha HS S0 06K80 00 R Camera User s Manual High Sensitivity Line Scan Camera sensors cameras frame grabbers processors software vision solutions ...

Страница 2: ...n international leader in high performance digital imaging and semiconductors with approximately 1 000 employees worldwide headquartered in Waterloo Ontario Canada Established in 1980 the company designs develops manufactures and markets digital imaging products and solutions in addition to providing MEMS products and services For more information visit Teledyne DALSA s website at www teledynedals...

Страница 3: ...Piranha HS S0 06K Camera User Manual Teledyne DALSA 03 032 20213 01 3 ...

Страница 4: ...a Mode Operation 20 Selecting the Number of CCD Integration Stages 21 Setting the Camera s CCD Shift Direction 21 Exposure Mode and Line Frame Rate 22 Setting Frame Rate and Exposure Time 25 3 3 Data Processing 25 Setting a Region of Interest 25 Digital Signal Processing Chain 26 3 4 Saving and Restoring Settings 35 Saving and Restoring Factory and User Settings 35 Saving and Restoring PRNU and FP...

Страница 5: ...Serial Interface 47 6 3 Specific Solutions 48 Error Handling and Command List ___________________________________________ 49 A1 Error Handling 49 A2 Commands Quick Reference 51 EMC Declaration________________________________________________________ 57 Revision History ________________________________________________________ 58 Index _______________________________________________________________ 5...

Страница 6: ...irection control forward and reverse Mirroring is controlled by Sapera software not by the camera Selectable Area or TDI Mode of operation Area Mode facilitates camera alignment and focusing Area mode can also be used for regular operation Flat field correction minimizes lens vignetting non uniform lighting and sensor FPN and PRNU Flat field correction is available in TDI mode only it is not avali...

Страница 7: ...on 256 TDI Stages 142 kHz line rate 0 852 Gpix s throughput HSLink interface Throughout the manual the cameras are refered to as the Piranha HS Sx camera family unless content is unique to a specific model In those cases the camera s model number is specified Sensor The camera uses a bidirectional TDI sensor The camera can be configured to read out in either Forward or Reverse CCD shift direction ...

Страница 8: ...Focal Distance M72 Mount 6 56 0 25 mm Sensor Alignment aligned to sides of camera Flatness y parallelism x y z z 25 µm 100 µm 0 175 mm 0 175 mm 0 25 mm 0 6 Lens Mount Opening M72x0 75 Mechanical Interface Camera Size w x h x d 90 x 180 x 92 1 mm Mass 1500 g Power Connector Control Data Connector 2 pin Lemo HSLink Electrical Interface Input Voltage 24 10 Volts DC Power Dissipation 45 W Operating Te...

Страница 9: ...on 2 PRNU DN p p with correction 2 Saturation Output Amplitude DN 255 DC Offset with correction DN 0 5 1 5 5 Test conditions unless otherwise noted TDI mode of operation These specifications are not guaranteed for area mode of operation Line Rate 10 kHz Nominal Gain setting 0 dB Light Source Broadband Quartz Halogen 3250 k with 700 nm IR cutoff filter installed All specifications are measured at 2...

Страница 10: ...y 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 380 420 460 500 540 580 620 660 700 740 780 820 860 900 940 Quantum Efficiency Responsivity DN nJ cm 2 Wavelength nm HS S0 06K80 R Spectral Responsivity Quantum Efficiency Responsivity DN nJ cm2 QE Note Settings 0 dB at 12 bit ...

Страница 11: ...e power cable Power supplies must meet the requirements defined in the Power Connector section below 5 Inspect all cables and connectors prior to installation Do not use damaged cables or connectors or the camera may be damaged 6 Connect data and power cables 7 After connecting cables apply power to the camera 8 Check the diagnostic LED See LED Status Indicator for an LED description You must also...

Страница 12: ... voltages will damage the camera LED Status Indicator The camera is equipped with a red green LED used to display the operational status of the camera The table below summarizes the operating states of the camera and the corresponding LED states When more than one condition is active the LED indicates the condition with the highest priority Error and warning states are accompanied by corresponding...

Страница 13: ... alternating medium Incompatilbe HSLINK configuration Red Green alternating slow Looking for Link Power Connectors Table 4 Lemo 2 pin Circular Male Power Connector Lemo EEG 0B 302 CYM 2 Pin Pin Description 1 Supply voltage 24 10 Volts 2 Ground The camera requires a single voltage input 24 V The camera meets all performance specifications using standard switching power supplies although well regula...

Страница 14: ... these requirements Data Connectors HSLink Pinout SFF_8470 or CX4 with thumbscrews Signal Camera Frame Grabber Input Frame Grabber Signal DataTx 2 S16 S1 DataRx 2 DataTx 2 S15 S2 DataRx 2 DataTx 1 S14 S3 DataRx 1 DataTx 1 S13 S4 DataRx 1 DataTx 0 S12 S5 DataRx 0 DataTx 0 S11 S6 DataRx 0 Cmd_T S10 S7 Cmd R Cmd_T S9 S8 Cmd R Cmd_R S8 S9 Cmd_T Cmd_R S7 S10 Cmd_T DataTx 5 S6 S11 DataRx 5 DataTx 5 S5 S...

Страница 15: ... to section Setting the Camera s CCD Shift Direction for details Output Signals Note that LVAL and FVAL are embedded in data lanes For additional information refer to the HSLink supplementary information below Rx Tx 5 serial lanes 312 5 Mb sec Camera Frame Grabber Accessories We can supply HSLink and DC power cables Contact us and use the following part numbers to order Part No Description AC CA 0...

Страница 16: ...y lock to frame grabber when the camera is turned on before or after starting the data acquisition program Turn off the camera when exiting a program that uses the Frame grabber Data Forwarding Yes Customer must identify the Master Slave Frame grabber during the system configuration step There is no Master Slave communication channel support Communication Between FG No This is the GMII command cha...

Страница 17: ...less of order Master to Slave Power On Discovery Notes Please Note The communication channel between master and slave frame grabbers is not functional at this time and therefore must be configured manually as shown below The power on sequence for the camera to guarantee function is 1 Camera Master 2 Slave 1 3 Slave 2 4 Slave 3 5 Slave 4 6 Slave 5 The slave should only be turned on once an image is...

Страница 18: ...n for debugging The serial interface uses a simple ASCII based protocol and the PC does not require any custom software Note This command set has changes from previous Teledyne DALSA cameras Do not assume that the Piranha HS commands perform similarly to older cameras Serial Protocol Defaults 8 data bits 1 stop bit No parity No flow control 115 200 kbps baud rate Camera does not echo characters Co...

Страница 19: ...ngs command wus Note For 8 and 10 bit depths the number of lanes must be set to 5 in Sapera For 12 bit depth the number of lanes must be set to 6 in Sapera Camera Help Screen For quick help the camera can return all available commands and parameters through the serial interface There are two different help screens available One lists all of the available commands to configure camera operation The ...

Страница 20: ...s useful for aligning the camera to your web direction or when you need a rectangular 2D image and the lighting supports a full frame imager In TDI Mode the camera operates as a TDI high sensitivity line scan camera and combines multiple exposures of an object into one high resolution result The camera stores user settings for Area Mode and TDI Mode separately allowing you to switch between Area a...

Страница 21: ... selects the forward or reverse CCD shift direction or external direction control This accommodates object direction change on a web and allows you to mount the camera upside down In Area Mode selects the vertical readout direction This allows you to mirror the image vertically or mount the camera upside down Syntax scd i Syntax Elements i Readout direction Allowable values are 0 Forward CCD shift...

Страница 22: ...an be generated internally through the software command ssf or set externally with an EXSYNC signal CC1 When operating in TDI Mode it is important that the line rate used matches the web speed Failure to match the web speed will result in smearing Refer to the application note Line Scan TDI Line Scan Calculation Worksheet located on the Knowledge Center page of our website here for a further expla...

Страница 23: ...he command gcp or get sem When setting the camera to external signal modes EXSYNC must be supplied Refer to section Selecting TDI or Area Mode OperationSelecting TDI or Area Mode Operation for more information on how to operate your camera in TDI or Area Mode Exposure Modes are saved separately for TDI Mode and Area Mode Refer to section 3 4 Saving and Restoring Settings for more information on ho...

Страница 24: ...ead out time are ignored The falling edge of EXSYNC marks the start of readout Note In TDI mode the frame period equals the line period Figure 2 Mode 3 Timing Mode 7 Internal Frame Rate Maximum Exposure Time In this mode the frame rate is set internally using the ssf command with a maximum exposure time Note In TDI mode the frame period equals the line period Figure 3 Mode 7 Camera Timing ...

Страница 25: ...a does not automatically change the frame rate after you change stage selection values You may have to adjust your frame rate to avoid ignored syncs To return the camera s frame rate use the commad gcp or get ssf Related Commands sem Example ssf 10000 3 3 Data Processing Setting a Region of Interest Purpose Sets the pixel range used to collect the end of line statistics and sets the region of pixe...

Страница 26: ...he following diagram shows a simplified block diagram of the camera s digital processing chain The digital processing chain contains the digital gain FPN correction the PRNU correction the background subtract and the system gain and offset All of these elements are user programmable Notes FPN and PRNU correction is not available when operating the camera in Area Mode The following user settings ar...

Страница 27: ...dition sab are used to increase image contrast after FPN and PRNU calibration It is useful for systems that process 8 bit data but want to take advantage of the camera s 12 bit digital processing chain For example if you find that your image is consistently between 128 and 255 DN 8 bit you can subtract off 128 ssb 2048 and then multiply by 2 ssg 8192 to get an output range from 0 to 255 The follow...

Страница 28: ...portant to do the FPN correction first Results of the FPN correction are used in the PRNU procedure We recommend that you repeat the correction when a temperature change greater than 10 C occurs or if you change the integration time or number of integration stages PRNU correction requires a clean white reference The quality of this reference is important for proper calibration White paper is often...

Страница 29: ...re I is equal to or greater than the maximum pixel value in the image The camera will respond with OK if no errors occur 3 After the correction is complete save the settings by issuing a wpc command Note that Forward and Reverse direction settings are stored separately and coefficients must be saved before switching directions 4 Enable the coefficients using the command epc 1 1 You should now see ...

Страница 30: ...ation Example ccg 13056 Updating the Gain Reference To update the gain reference Purpose Sets the current gain setting to be the 0dB point This is useful after tap gain matching to allow you to change the gain on all taps by the same amount Syntax ugr FPN Correction Performing FPN Correction Syntax Performs FPN correction and eliminates FPN noise by subtracting away individual pixel dark current F...

Страница 31: ... x The pixel number from 1 to sensor pixel count i Coefficient value in a range from 0 511 12 bit LSB Notes Available in TDI Mode only Example sfc 10 50 Returning FPN Coefficients Purpose Returns a pixel s FPN coefficient value in DN 12 bit LSB Syntax gfc i Syntax Elements i The pixel number to read in a range from 1 to sensor pixel count Notes Available in TDI Mode only Example gfc 10 ...

Страница 32: ...et value 14 bits in range from 4096 to 16220DN For example if the camera is in 8 bit mode and the target is to be 200DN use 200x64 12800 14 bit equivalent as target value The calculation is performed for all sensor pixels but warnings are only applied to pixels in the region of interest This algorithm is useful for achieving uniform output across multiple cameras It is important to note that the t...

Страница 33: ... specified by x1 and x2 The camera also returns the pixel number with every fifth coefficient Syntax dpc x1 x2 Syntax Elements x1 Start pixel to display in a range from 1 to sensor pixel count 1 x2 End pixel to display in a range from x1 1 to sensor pixel count Notes If x2 x1 then x2 is forced to be x1 Example dpc 10 20 Enabling and Disabling Pixel Coefficients Purpose Enables and disables FPN and...

Страница 34: ...e output can no longer reach its maximum Use this command to correct for this where ssg value max output value max output value ssb value Syntax ssg i Syntax Elements i Gain setting The gain ranges are 0 to 61439 The digital video values are multiplied by this value where System Gain i 4096 1 Notes Use this command in conjunction with the ssb command described above Digital offset is set to zero a...

Страница 35: ... offset and background subtract values are saved as distinct values for Forward and Reverse directions In other words you can program the camera to operate with a digital gain value of 5db in Forward direction and an digital gain value of 3db in Reverse direction Forward and Reverse direction settings are saved simultaneously with the wus command Note that when you switch directions the settings s...

Страница 36: ...ficients Pixel coefficient sets are saved separately for Forward and Reverse direction depending on which direction the camera is operating in when the wpc or wfc command is issued It is important that you save pixel coefficients before switching CCD shift direction or current coefficient values will be lost Figure 7 How Pixel Coefficients are saved in the Cameras after issuing the wpc or wfc Comm...

Страница 37: ...able in TDI mode only Loading a Saved Set of Coefficients Purpose Loads a saved set of pixel coefficients for the current direction A factory calibrated set of coefficients is available Syntax lpc Notes Available in TDI mode only Resetting the Current Pixel Coefficients Purpose Resets the current pixel coefficients to zero This command does not reset saved coefficients Syntax rpc Notes The digital...

Страница 38: ...atterns are useful for verifying proper timing and connections between the camera and the frame grabber Syntax svm i Syntax Elements i 0 Video 1 DCi Integer i 1 400 8 8 Where i 1 to 6000 2 HORi Modulus DCi Modulus Modulus i 1 1600 256 256 Where i 1 to 6000 3 VERi Row 1 Where i 1 to 6000 4 DIAGi Modulus HORi VERi 256 Where i 1 to 6000 Notes Example svm 2 horizontal ramp line profile ...

Страница 39: ...gla command to ensure the proper video input range into the processing chain before executing any pixel calibration commands Syntax gl x1 x2 Syntax Elements x1 Column start number Must be less than the column end number in a range from 1 to column resolution 1 x2 Column end number Must be greater than the column start number in a range from 2 to sensor resolution Notes If x2 x1 then x2 is forced t...

Страница 40: ... in the data Values returned are in 12 bit DN Available in TDI Mode only Related Commands css roi Example gla 10 20 Temperature Measurement The internal temperature of the camera can be determined by using the vt command This command will return the internal chip temperature in degrees Celsius For proper operation this value should not exceed 75 C Note If the camera s internal temperature reaches ...

Страница 41: ...ameter GCP screen returns all of the camera s current settings To read all current camera settings use the command Syntax gcp Returning Camera Settings with Get Commands You can also return individual camera settings by inserting a get in front of the command that you want to query If the command has a tap or pixel number parameter you must also insert the tap number or pixel number that you want ...

Страница 42: ... area is 0 6 degrees 3 Lens mount position with respect to imaging area X Y 0 175 MM 4 Imaging area position tolerances are to be determined RECOMMENDED AIRFLOW RECOMMENDED AIRFLOW A 39 5 45 9 64 5 92 1 6 56 OPTICAL DISTANCE 45 0 153 9 165 9 180 0 90 0 70 9 45 0 IMAGINGCENTER 47 0 IMAGING CENTER 8 5 2X M4x0 7 depth 6 0 4X M72X0 75 depth 4 1 PIXEL1 10 5 2X 109 0 B C 83 5 2X 81 5 2X 5 Units MM ...

Страница 43: ...ht sources are relatively inexpensive provide a uniform field and longer life span compared to other light sources However they also require a camera with excellent sensitivity such as the HS Sx camera Halogen light sources generally provide very little blue relative to infrared light IR Fiber optic light distribution systems generally transmit very little blue relative to IR Some light sources ag...

Страница 44: ...t surface and the mounting plate surface as large as possible Do not use stand off style mounting 3 Design the camera mounting plate so that there is enough surface area to dissipate heat An example of a properly mounted camera is illustrated on the following page 4 Forced air flow to the fins is the most effective way to cool the camera If forced air flow is not available then leave enough space ...

Страница 45: ... 06K Camera User Manual Teledyne DALSA 03 032 20213 01 45 Heat sink fins Heat sink fins Mounting plate Mounting bracket Front plate Camera full front mounting surface 5047 mm sq 106 mm 45 mm 86 mm Ø75 Mounting hole ...

Страница 46: ...2 and 6 3 If these solutions do not resolve your problem see section 6 4 on getting product support LED When the camera is first powered up the LED will glow on the back of the camera Refer to section LED Status Indicator for information on the LED Connections The first step in troubleshooting is to verify that your camera has all the correct connections Power Supply Voltages Check for the presenc...

Страница 47: ...y Timing and Digital Video Path Use the test pattern feature to verify the proper timing and connections between the camera and the frame grabber and verify the proper output along the digital processing chain See below Generating Test Patterns The camera can generate test patterns to aid in system debugging Use the command svm 1 or up to svm 4 to activate a test pattern A description of available...

Страница 48: ...e termintated in 100Ω Line Dropout Bright Lines or Incorrect Frame Rate Verify that the frequency of the internal sync is set correctly or when the camera is set to external sync that the EXSYNC signal supplied to the camera does not exceed the camera s useable frame rate under the current operating conditions Noisy Output Check your power supply voltage outputs for noise Noise present on these li...

Страница 49: ... current operating range Use GCP or GET to see value used Warning 03 Clipped to max Parameter was clipped to the current operating range Use GCP or GET to see value used Warning 04 Related parameters adjusted Internal operating condition is adjusted to accommodate the entered command E g requesting exposure time longer than line time automatically adjusts the line time to meet the exposure time re...

Страница 50: ... g SSF when in SEM 3 Error 06 Timeout Command not completed in time E g CCF in SEM 3 when no external EXSYNC is present Error 07 Camera settings not saved Indicates that user settings have been corrupted by turning off the power while executing the WUS command Must build up new settings from factory and re save with WUS Error 08 Unable to calibrate tap outside ROI Cannot calibrate a tap that is no...

Страница 51: ...st of these commands Table 9 Command Quick Reference Mnemonic Syntax Parameters Description correction calibrate fpn ccf Performs FPN calibration and eliminates FPN noise by subtracting away individual pixel dark current Refer to Signal Processing and Processing Chain Overview and Description for details calculate camera gain ccg i Calculates the camera gain according to the selected algorithm i C...

Страница 52: ...arget value as shown below Target value 14 bits in range from 4096 to 16220DN For example if the camera is in 8 bit mode and the target is to be 200DN use 200x64 12800 14 bit equivalent as target value The calculation is performed for all sensor pixels but warnings are only applied to pixels in the region of interest This algorithm is useful for achieving uniform output across multiple cameras It ...

Страница 53: ...s where i is 0 PRNU coefficients disabled 1 PRNU coefficients enabled Refer to section Enabling and Disabling Pixel Coefficients on page 33 for details get command log gcl get camera model gcm Reads the camera model number get camera parameters gcp Reads all of the camera parameters get camera serial gcs Read the camera serial number get camera version gcv Read the firmware version and FPGA versio...

Страница 54: ...oot Baud rate is not reset and reboots with the value last used restore factory settings rfs Restore the camera s factory settings FPN and PRNU coefficients reset to 0 Refer to section 3 4 Saving and Restoring Settings for details region of interest roi x y x y Sets the pixel range affected by the cag gl gla ccf and cpa commands The parameters are the pixel start and end values x and the column st...

Страница 55: ... Set the PRNU coefficient x pixel number within the range 1 to 6000 i PRNU value within the range 0 to 65535 set subtract background ssb i Subtract the input value from the output signal i Subtracted value in a range from 0 to 4096 set sync frequency ssf i Set the frame rate to a value from TDI 1 to 142 000 Area 1 to 320 Value rounded up down as required Refer to Setting Frame Rate on page 25 for ...

Страница 56: ...ils update gain reference ugr Changes 0 dB gain to equal the current gain value verify temperature vt Check the internal temperature of the camera verify voltage vv Check the camera s input voltages and return OK or fail write FPN coefficients wfc i Write all current FPN coefficients to EEROM Refer to section Saving and Restoring PRNU and FPN Coefficients for details write PRNU coeffs wpc i Write ...

Страница 57: ...andards outlined below which satisfy the EMC requirements for CE marking the FCC Part 15 requirements and the Industry Can ada ICES 003 evaluation Radiated emissions requirements EN 55022 2010 EN 55011 2010 ICES 003 Class A CISPR 22 2008 CISPR 11 2010 FCC Part 15 Immunity to disturbances EN 55024 2010 EN 61326 1 2006 Place of Issue Waterloo ON CANADA Date of Issue May 22 2014 Name and Signature of...

Страница 58: ... Teledyne DALSA 58 Appendix C Revision History Revision Change Description Date 00 Preliminary release June 9 2014 01 Mechanical revised with new heatsink orientation Responsivity graph revised with correct units DN nj cm 2 and not uJ cm 2 August 20 2014 ...

Страница 59: ...33 command format 18 parameters 19 commands list 51 connectors 12 lemo 13 power 13 power mating 13 D dark patches 48 data bus 15 data rate 8 debugging 46 digital signal processing 30 direction externally controlled 21 web movement 45 E EMC Declaration of Conformity 57 58 error messages 49 exposure modes overview 23 EXSYNC 15 troubleshooting 46 external trigger 15 F fiber optic light sources 43 fil...

Страница 60: ...P performance specifications 8 pixel statistics 39 power connectors 13 guidelines 13 mating connectors 13 PRNU 27 R rebooting 37 resolution 8 responsivity 9 roi See Region of Interest S SEE 9 sensitivity level 21 serial interface 18 defaults 18 troubleshooting 47 settings factory 20 statistics 39 T TDI Mode 20 temperature measurement 40 test patterns 38 test patterns 47 timing mode 3 24 mode 7 24 ...
