Identification and purpose of the document
This instructions manual, drawn up by D'ALESSANDRO TERMOMECCANICA, is integrating part of the
heat generator, which reproduction, even partial, is forbidden.
The purpose of this document is to supply the users of the generator all information necessary for
its correct use, in the safest conditions for persons, animals and things.
The identification of D'Alessandro Termomeccanica as
is demonstrated, pursuant
to that specified in Directive 2006/42/CE by means of the following deeds:
Declaration of conformity
Use and maintenance manual
The precise manufacturer company name is:
D'Alessandro Termomeccanica - C.da Cerreto 55
66016 Miglianico (CH) - Italy
obtainable from the data plate on the left panel of the generator, having the CE mark.
1.2 Plate
As well as the manufacturer company name, the plate on the generator also has the following ge-
nerator data:
Year of manufacture
Serial no.
Nominal power
Maximum working pressure
Maximum working temperature
Water content
Empty weight
Absorbed electric power
Mains voltage
1.3 CE Marking
The technical data plate on the generator having the exact manufacturer company name, the
identification data and the CE mark, as well as the attached declaration of conformity, certify the
correspondence of the generator to the European Directives applicable to it.