Webcam Access and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Steps
Red LED indicator on the
webcam on.
1. The red LED should only be on during the camera start sequence.
Disconnect and reconnect the Ethernet cable to the back of the camera.
Both LED indicators on
the webcam are off.
1. Verify the POE injector located in the ISP box is connected and the LED
indicators are on. If connected but LED indicators are off, work with the
help desk to troubleshoot the issue.
2. If the LED indicators on the POE are on, check the Ethernet connections
from the POE injector to the back of the display and from the back of the
display to the webcam. It is possible the Ethernet cable is damaged or
3. The POE surge may be damaged. Use a RJ45 coupler to bypass.
The help desk can not
see a webcam image and
the webcam and POE
injector are functioning
1. Verify the Ethernet cable from the network switch to the POE injector is
2. Check the status indicator LEDs on the network switch to determine if it is
functioning properly and sending data.
3. The POE surge may be damaged. Use a RJ45 coupler to bypass.