Scan time interval command
The scan time interval command sets the time, in seconds, that Vista will pause at each of the
computers when scanning. The default setting is 5 seconds. To set another interval, press and
release the left Control Key, type "T", enter the new scan time interval (in seconds), and press
<Enter>. Remember to use the upper numeric keys, not the numeric keypad to the right. Follow with
the Keep command to save the setting.
Mode command
Vista supports PC keyboard modes 1, 2, and 3. The keyboard mode is set by commands from the
CPU. Mode 2 is the most common mode used by the vast majority of CPUs. It is also the power-up
state of all PC keyboards. Mode 1 is used primarily by certain models of IBM PS/2 computers. Mode
3 is used by Unix computers such as R/S 6000, HP 9000, SGI, DEC Alpha, and others.
Vista automatically detects each PC's keyboard mode upon CPU boot-up, and thus learns which
CPU uses which mode. If the CPU has already booted and is then connected, Vista cannot detect
the CPU's keyboard mode and uses the setting stored in the Vista's non-volatile memory. The mode
command can be issued to change the keyboard mode for each computer and can be saved in non-
volatile memory with the Keep command.
To issue the Mode command, press and release the left Control Key, type
, and enter the mode
"1 "
, followed by
. Remember to use the alphanumeric keys, not the
numeric keypad, to enter the mode number. Follow with the Keep command. The mode is changed
on your currently selected computer. To change the mode on another computer, you must first
switch to that computer and then issue the mode command.