8 Room Terminal Use Cases
Figure 37 below shows a sample building layout with each unit operating independently of the others. Occupants in the
space served by RTU-01 and RTU-04 can use the room terminal to make space temperature setpoint adjustments and
view unit status information. Service personnel can use the room terminal to make unit configuration changes for the
connected unit.
Figure 37 - Device Discovery
Figure 38 shows a sample building layout utilizing the iLINQ Network and room terminals on RTU-01 and RTU-04. A user
at the RTU-01 room terminal may view/change settings in RTU-01 and can view status information for the other units
configured in the iLINQ Network settings for RTU-01.
Figure 38 - Device Discovery
Figure 39 shows a sample building layout which also includes an Ethernet cable connection between RTU-01 and the
room terminal. This allows users to connect to the WiFi network created by the room terminal and access the web
interface for each individual iLINQ DDC controller on the iLINQ Network by typing the IP address of the unit controller in
a web browser. Enter the IP address to access a device discovery page that lists each connected iLINQ DDC