C a re a nd C l ea ning
• When removing or attaching the front panel, use a robust and stable stool and watch your steps carefully.
• When removing or attaching the front panel, support the panel securely with hand to prevent it from falling.
• After cleaning, make sure that the front panel is securely fixed.
Rem o v e t h e fro nt p a nel .
• Open the front panel.
• Slide the front panel to either the left or right and
pulling it toward you.
This will disconnect the front panel shaft on one
F r o n t p a n e l sha f t
1 ) S l id e
2 ) Pu l l
1 ) S l id e
2 ) Pu l l
• Disconnect the front panel shaft on the other
side in the same manner.
C l ea n t h e fro nt p a nel .
• Wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in water.
• Only neutral detergent may be used.
• In case of washing the panel with water, wipe it
with dry soft cloth, dry it up in the shade after
A t t a ch t h e fro nt p a nel .
• Align the front panel shaft on the left and right of
the front panel with the slots, then push them all
the way in.
F r o n t p a n e l
sha f t
S l o t
• Close the front panel slowly. (Press the panel at
both sides and the central area.)
F ro nt p a nel
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