N o t e fo r M ul t i S y s t em
Multi system has one outdoor unit connected to multiple indoor units.
S el ect ing t h e o p era t io n m o d e
W it h t h e p rio rit y ro o m s et t ing p res ent b ut
ina ct iv e o r no t p res ent .
When more than one indoor unit is operating, priority is given to
the first unit that was turned on.
In this case, set the units that are turned on later to the same
operation mode as the first unit.
Otherwise, they will enter the standby state, and the OPERATION
lamp will flash: this does not indicate malfunction.
N o t es o n o p era t io n m o d e fo r m ul t i s y s t em
• COOL, DRY and FAN operation may be used at the same time.
• AUTO operation automatically selects COOL operation or HEAT operation based on the room temperature.
Therefore, AUTO operation is available when selecting the same operation mode as that of the room with the first unit to be turned on.
• Normally, the operation mode in the room where the unit is first run is given priority, but the following situations are exceptions, so please keep
this in mind.
If the operation mode of the first room is
F A N o p era t io n
, then using
H E A T o p era t io n
in any room after this will give priority to
o p era t io n
. In this situation, the air conditioner running in FAN operation will go on standby, and the OPERATION lamp will flash.
W it h t h e p rio rit y ro o m s et t ing a ct iv e.
Refer to “
P rio rit y ro o m s et t ing
” on the next page.
N I G H T QU I E T o p era t io n ( A v a il a b l e o nl y fo r C O O L o p era t io n)
NIGHT QUIET operation requires initial programming during installation. Please consult your retailer or dealer for assistance.
NIGHT QUIET operation reduces the operation noise of the outdoor unit during the nighttime hours to prevent annoyance to neighbors.
• The NIGHT QUIET operation is activated when the temperature drops 6°C or more below the highest temperature recorded that day.
When the temperature difference between the current outdoor temperature and the maximum outdoor temperature becomes less than 4°C,
the NIGHT QUIET operation will be stopped.
• NIGHT QUIET operation reduces slightly the cooling efficiency of the unit.
O U T D O O R U N I T QU I E T o p era t io n
Refer to “
O U T D O O R U N I T QU I E T o p era t io n
Page 18
W it h t h e p rio rit y ro o m s et t ing p res ent b ut ina ct iv e o r no t p res ent .
When using the OUTDOOR UNIT QUIET operation feature with the Multi system, set all indoor units to OUTDOOR UNIT
QUIET operation using their remote controllers.
When clearing OUTDOOR UNIT QUIET operation, clear one of the operating indoor units using their remote controller.
However OUTDOOR UNIT QUIET operation display remains on the remote controller for other rooms.
We recommend you release all rooms using their remote controllers.
W it h t h e p rio rit y ro o m s et t ing a ct iv e.
Refer to “
P rio rit y ro o m s et t ing
” on the next page.
A r o o m
B r o o m
C r o o m
D r o o m
O u td o o r u n it
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